Sunday, April 27, 2014

other people's photos

Here are some photos I stole from my friends of the last few days before everyone went back to America and left me here. I'm posting mostly for you, mom, because the privacy settings won't let you see that I'm tagged in all of these on Facebook. It's been a fantastic last few days with my BCA friends, and here's the proof:

Friday, April 18, 2014

End of School

This past month has been a whirlwind of paint, coffee, adrenaline and alcohol. I've been busy finishing up my semester paper, setting up the end of the year show, and saying long, emotional goodbyes to all of the people I won't see again next year. It's an exciting, but sad time. The weather has completely shifted to bright, crisp, colorful, sun-splashed days, and none of us are sure how to react to this lack of rain and wind. It's been a great year in Ballyvaughan. It's hard to see everything come to an end.