Friday, January 10, 2014

Week 1, 2014

After my first week back at school I am fondly remembering little comforts from home that I indulged in over break. Dogfishhead beer, Scout sleeping on the couch, long walks on Muse Road, and of coarse the warmth of being surrounded by family.

This week has been particularly cold and rainy, with some of the worst storms Ireland has had in 15 years smashing the coast and flooding cities and villages across the country (including Ballyvaughan). 
Because of this, I haven't spent much time walking and exploring, and because of the cold indoors, I haven't begun to paint yet. This week has involved a lot of topic research, aesthetic planning, and a Sherlock marathon or two with my housemates. (If anyone reading this has not yet experienced the magic that is BBC's Sherlock, drop whatever you're doing and click over to Netflix and start watching episode 1 right now. You'll thank me later). That part was really nice. 

Tomorrow my housemates and myself will take a day trip to Galway, get a few groceries and maybe see a movie. I have resolved to attempt more trips like this this semester. I think they go a long way towards making a place feel like home, and just resting the mind. 
Sunday I plan to begin cutting and priming canvas in preparation for my first cluster of portraits. I'm excited to begin work on a project that truly fascinates me.

Sunday evening is the final episode of season 3 of Sherlock, which, now that our TV works again, will be truly epic. Seriously though, I have waited two long years for this season to be filmed, and it's every bit as glorious as I had anticipated. Luckily my housemates and friends all over town are as passionate as I am. I've never seen so many people come together over a TV show before, even during the days of "Lost". It's a community-wide event, the viewing of this season's 3 genius episodes.

I have a feeling this semester will fly by. 1 week of the 15 is already passed. It's also possible that one week will be spent in London. Trying not to get my hopes up about that one yet.

A lot of hard work and complex ideas will need to be squeezed into the next few months, but for now I'm content to sit in my warm room, with my mug of coffee, listening to the Dubliners and reading the last few chapters of my last pleasure book of the year before diving into my pile of reading and documentaries on cult leadership, terrorism and religious abuse. Deep breath.
Happy Friday to all.

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