Thursday, May 23, 2013


It's been way too long since I've made a post. I mean, seriously. Way too long. My excuse is that I've been spending most of my time working at both of my jobs, preparing for that move to Ireland and for a  (much shorter) trip to Germany. Yesterday I meant to paint and update on here, but my first attempt at Indigo dyeing proved to be much more time-consuming and laborious than I'd expected. It was so much fun, though! I'm definitely going to do it again.

Anyway, things will be a bit scattered, I'm sure, for the next several weeks while I'm in Germany and Italy. After that, I imagine there will be plenty to post about and lots of new art.

linen tablecloth, already put to use

and a few articles of clothing that were too boring in their original colors.

i'm kind of proud of that pair of underwear. seriously.

the success of this shirt was the biggest surprise.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Slow progress on new piece. i've just slowed the process even further by deciding to switch to oils. Also starting an acrylic portrait of Bobby Sands for my poetry series. That should come together much more easily, I hope.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

After an exceptionally exhausting past few days, and because today is Mothers' Day, I have nothing new, original, or interesting to post relating to my art or anything else. But I did get a laugh out of these earlier...

more found here.

oh, and it's always fun to take a peek at my ever-expanding etsy. :]

Thursday, May 9, 2013


New painting added to the shop!

"Deirdre", named for one of the most beautiful and tragic heroines of Irish mythology.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Brendan Behan complete

A carpet stain and several glasses of Tullamore Dew later, the first of my "Poet Series" is complete! I'm happy with how he turned out.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Poetry and Paint

Progress on Brendan Behan: the first of my poet series, also a poem:

(by Brendan Behan)

It was on an August morning, all in the moring hours,
I went to take the warming air all in the month of flowers,
And there I saw a maiden and heard her mournful cry,
Oh, what will mend my broken heart, I’ve lost my Laughing Boy.
So strong, so wide, so brave he was, I’ll mourn his loss too sore
When thinking that we’ll hear the laugh or springing step no more.
Ah, curse the time, and sad the loss my heart to crucify,
Than an Irish son, with a rebel gun, shot down my Laughing Boy.
Oh, had he died by Pearse’s side, or in the G.P.O.,
Killed by an English bullet from the rifle of the foe,
Or forcibly fed while Ashe lay dead in the dungeons of Mountjoy,
I’d have cried with pride at the way he died, my own dear Laughing Boy.
My princely love, can ageless love do more than tell to you
Go raibh mile maith Agath, for all you tried to do,
For all you did and would have done, my enemies to destroy,
I’ll prize your name and guard your fame, my own dear Laughing Boy.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

a bit of self-promotion

Step-by-step photos of my newest portrait's progress:

It should be finished and on Etsy soon!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

start of new series

Top photo: Rearranged parts of my room, and I'm fairly proud of the new setup. 
Also, the bottom photo marks the beginning of a new series of writers' portraits.
The first portrait will be of Brendan Behan. Writers are chosen based on how deeply their works have effected me and more importantly, how interesting their facial structure is. I'm looking forward to painting Samuel Beckett in the near future. Haha.

In unrelated news, I need a studio with better lighting and a neutral wall color.