Monday, November 18, 2013

In the North

This past weekend a group of us went to Derry for the 2013 City of Culture. The trip was short, but very memorable. The times I've gone to the North have always made a strong impression on me. I can't wait to get back up there again next semester. It's a place that definitely warrants a longer visit.
This past weekend's trip, though, was crammed with as much of Derry as was possible to squeeze into the amount of time we had there. Lots of group bonding and very little sleeping was done. If I were to summarize my first Derry experience in four words, they would have to be:


I'm living in a country filled with people who can drink and take this talent seriously. It makes for some amusing stories (better shared in person). 

Here are a few photos:

I was excited to revisit this Blaney grave while the rest of the group visited Yeats (I paid my respect to Yeats as well, don't worry).


Ben Bulben

Interpretive dance on an ancient grave

We drove through Donegal, including the town where my last name supposedly originates. It was pretty unremarkable, but nice to see.

These pictures sum up our Donegal experience pretty well. I'll have to get back up and see it properly.

Our first experience in the City of Culture. Life drawing!

Some of the public's reactions to the exhibitions.

Love the honesty

Rita Duffy: Red Ham of Ulster

All of these were great

This one feels a little sensitive

Derry Peace Bridge. This photo was taken around 4:30 in the afternoon. Maybe even earlier.

We all went to Peadar O'Donnell's at my professor's recommendation to celebrate a birthday. It was a lively, musical, loud, exciting, and very late night.

We took a tour of the Bogside. Our tour guide was magnificent.

It was especially moving to retrace the path of the march on Bloody Sunday. Powerful and tragic.

and then there's the graffiti...

Bloody Sunday mural.

Free Derry

14 year-old girl shot dead by British soldiers after she picked a rubber bullet off the ground. 

The other side

Documenting the previous night's memories

Willie Doherty exhibition. 

Willie Doherty

Walking in the rain to a barbershop gallery. The sign kept our spirits up.

Backroads Derry

little reminders

AHHH!!!! (Miriam, I hope you see this)

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